Wednesday, May 18, 2011

HP Peddles Hate (H8)

To this point, Brand Marbles has only been posting on the positive side of the world of branding. Today, HP wins the distinction of being my first negative post. HP recently announced the launch of their "most powerful" line of PCs yet - the HP Pavilion HPE H8. Really? H8? Hate? Trust me when I say naming is one of the most difficult exercises in all of branding. It's extremely subjective and really hard to find names that are unique, available and ownable in the consumers' mindset. Sometimes, negative reactions to a name can payoff in the long run by gaining so much press at launch it drives consumers to take notice (ie. Nintendo Wii, Apple iPad). But there is a difference between not understanding or liking a particular name and putting a name out there that visibly suggests something as negative as the word "hate". You could even argue HP is out to "HYPE HATE" with their "HPE H8". Names are a direct extension of a company's brand and arguably, with a logo, the most visible. I doubt one of HP's brand attributes is hate. Now do I honestly believe this name will detract buyers from purchasing a H8 computer? No. But if for some reason this product does not perform up to consumers' or the industry's expectations, it will feed detractors plenty of fodder for brand bashing. I can see potential headlines now. "Consumers Hate H8." ***Feel free to post your own creative headlines below*** HP better hope the H8 outperforms expectations or they'll be left standing on the playground with no marbles.

1 comment:

  1. FCUK is one of my favorites along these lines (French Connection UK) - I find the irreverence refreshing in that application
